Thursday, November 4, 2010

Competitive Soul

Being competitive is in my bones!I grew up the oldest of six girls and we all played soccer competitively. (I think that's the only thing that kept my dad from going crazy because he had six girls.) I don't think you understand how competitive I am... I mean me and my husband can't even run together because I like to run in front of him and he likes run in front of me. Its a vicious cycle! So whenever I first starting reading style/fashion blogs saw Kendi from KendiEveryday doing a 30 for 30 challenge. I was intrigued. 30 days with the same clothes and no shopping! I need this in my life. So I am taking the challenge.


The 30 for 30 Fall Challenge, starting next Monday, November 8th.

Get your engine running -- or at least your closet organized because the fall remix is here. If you'd like to participate in the remix, EMAIL me your name and blog address with the subject line 30 for 30 and I'll put you on a link list that I'll publish later this week. You have from now until Friday, November 5th to sign up to be on the link list for the challenge. Be sure to email me instead of leaving a comment, or your name won't be on the list. Then list your 30 items on your blog by Sunday, November 7th!

Ok so... what is the 30 for 30? 

The 30 for 30 is something I came up with in April to help me learn my way through my closet by remixing my clothes. So here is the basic premise, I take 30 items from my closet (shoes included) and mix them into 30 different outfits over about a month period.

So you want to try it out? Good for you. Here is how to do it.

1. Pick out 30 items from your closet. Shoes are included in the count, coats and accessories (i.e. tights,  jewelry, hats, gloves, and so on are not.) I won't use a coat yet here in Texas, but you might in say Chicago so I don't want to penalize you for Mother Nature's wily ways.

2. Remix the 30 items into 30 or more outfits.

And that's it! Ok -- not totally.

3. No shopping for 30 days. 

Eek! Why in the world would I add insult to injury? Well so that you'll learn to work with what you've got and you'll learn to appreciate it. Learning to shop your own closet will in turn help you learn to shop outside of your closet. When you have to get creative with your wardrobe you discover other ways to wear a shirt or skirt, that you might not have thought of. Or you might just discover that you really like a certain type of skirt or that you gravitate towards a certain type of jacket, etc.

So what if you don't have 30 items? Then this challenge is perfect for you. It's about working with what you've got. I am a style blogger, an overabundance of clothing is a given. So don't worry about that, maybe for you it's a 15 for 15 or 20 for 20. It doesn't matter what you start with, it matters what you can make out of it. 

Are you in? If so, email me and let me know by Friday and post your 30 for 30 items by Sunday. Let the remixing begin!

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